FCP Contact Information
Industrial steel, prefabricated, modular trash and dumpster enclosures for retail, commercial, multi-family residential, and other applications.
FCP Office Information
We’d love to hear from you. Below you’ll find our phone numbers and office locations. If you have any questions about our trash and dumpster enclosure products, or need ordering assistance, please contact us and we’ll be happy to help.
Se Habla Español – 805-684-1117 – Pregunta por Daniel Martinez
FCP Trash Enclosure Division

FCP Corporate HQ

Creators of Commercial Trash Enclosures and Other Creative Steel Structures
For more than 4 decades, the FCP brand has continually set the standards for providing the finest US quality manufactured steel structures. By being an innovator in design, technology, workmanship, execution, and professional support, FCP has built its reputation as America’s “Go-To” company for Trash Enclosures and other Creative Steel Structures.

Modern Steel Engineering


Prefabricated Construction

Labor Saving Assembly

America’s “Best-Built” Fully Enclosed Industrial Steel Modular Trash and Dumpster Enclosure System